ThoughtWorks Tech Radar - Times Square
ThoughtWorks Tech Radar - Times Square

Quite often experienced folks joining ThoughtWorks have a common set of questions: What should I read to prepare myself for ThoughtWorks? What kind of technologies does ThoughtWorks work on? Will I go on a Ruby or Java or Mobile project?

I doubt there is any good and precise answer to these questions. But, there certainly are some practices that I feel our in the DNA of ThoughtWorks. Agile & Extreme Programming practices drive most of this. Unfortunately, Agile means totally different things to different people outside ThoughtWorks. And, quite often, nothing will prepare you for the radical changes that are going to come to your way of working at ThoughtWorks.

So, I thought, why not try come up with some recommended readings for Dev Lateral hires (experience range of 3 - 10 years), to introduce them to some of our development practices, coding styles, unit testing beliefs, etc. I asked a few of my colleagues - namely Unmesh, Chirag, Sunit and Aman on what they felt should be the minimum recommended reading list for Lateral ThoughtWorkers. This is what we all came up with.

I may have used my discretion to sanitize the final list, therefore if you don’t like the list – blame me!

Read the full blog on my older site: Recommended Readings for Lateral Dev Hires at ThoughtWorks – An Unofficial Opinion

  1. Extreme Programming Explained (Kent Beck)

  2. Test Driven Development (Kent Beck)

  3. Refactoring: Improving The Design of Existing Code (Martin Fowler)

  4. Continuous Delivery (Jez Humble)

  5. The Pragmatic Programmer (Andrew Hunt, David Thomas)

  6. Clean Code (Robert C Martin)

Recommended Books
Recommended Books

Read the full blog on my older site: Recommended Readings for Lateral Dev Hires at ThoughtWorks – An Unofficial Opinion