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In this first episode of Expertease , we have a light-hearted chat with Aditya Karle , Head of Design at ThoughtWorks India, to deconstruct the art of Experience Design (XD).
1:10: We talk about his journey to becoming a Designer and getting involved in Software Design, discuss differences between UI design, UX and XD.
28:50: We have an interesting chat about applying design thinking to Bengaluru International Airport.
53:30: We finish the podcast with Adi giving us recommendations on books and conferences related to design.
Show Notes
- ThoughtWorks Bangalore Airport case-study
- Book: Design of Everyday Things - Don Norman
- Book: Steal Like an Artist
- Book: Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion
- Conferences: IXD - interaction design , Agile India , UX India , Design Up
- Neri Oxman: Architect, Designer, Inventor
- Background Music by BenSounds
- Wallpaper from Unsplash by Edho Pratama