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Nikhil Prasad (Part1) - Empowered Engineering Culture - Episode #3

In Part 1 of our conversation with Nikhil Prasad , CTO and co-founder of tavisca , we discussed ways & means of building an empowered Engineering culture, and how Mastery, Autonomy and Purpose play a key role in building a vibrant company culture. You can listen to the insighful conversation here: Nikhil Prasad - Part 1 - Engineering culture .

Nikhil Prasad (Part 2) - Insights on Career, Mastery and Craftsmanship - Episode #4

In this episode on Expertease , we continue our chat with Nikhil Prasad to uncover his principles & belief on building a successful engineering career.

Nikhil Prasad
Nikhil Prasad

Nikhil talks about…

> “The difference between using the term Developer vs an Engineer”

> “Should developers do testing?”

> “My mental models as a CTO to make effective decisions”

> “The Japanese concept of craftsmanship called Shokunin”

> “All amazing engineers I know have worked in the trenches”

> “The importance of having a set of distilled principles that allow you to charter unknown waters”

This is a frank conversation with Nikhil, where he explains how one can be happy, by not necessarily having a blinders on focus to climbing a career ladder, but instead focusing on learning, impact and the joy of building something wonderful – while picking varied and end-to-end experience in software from design-to-maintenance.

Episode Length: 42 mins (Part 2)

Show Notes

  1. Shokunin, Mastery and Craftsmanship - Medium blog
  2. Ben Thompson - Stratecherry Blog , Twitter
  3. Hacker news - yCombinator
  4. Knowledge Project - Podcast and Blog
  5. Charlie Munger - Articles and Blog
  6. (Book) Principles by Ray Dalio - Kindle , Hardcopy

UnSplash (Johnathan Macedo)
UnSplash (Johnathan Macedo)


  1. Background Music by BenSounds
  2. Wallpaper from Unsplash by Johnathan Macedo